We have a new friend in the house!!

I'm so excited! We were VERY blessed in December to find this nice little piano to bring home. I say WE. It was actually my dearest hubby and son who "stumbled"upon it during a bike ride to a neighboring village one afternoon. They stopped to buy some water and noticed some men working leather in a workroom behind the store. He showed interest in their

projects and the store owner invited them to enter. And there, in the corner, stacked with boxes and covered in dust, was our new friend. My hubby asked the man if he ever thought of selling the piano. The man said, "Sure, Why not?" and told him to come back in three days. After bringing it in the house, and our first experimental attempts to play a tune, we shut the lid and sat back to look at our find... Just then a tiny mouse came stumbling out the back of the piano, quite confused and probably deafened by our overly excited concierto!!! Now the mouse is gone, Emi and I learned the corus to the First Noel, Aaron and Papi learned a tune or two, and we all excited to begin REAL lessons hopefully soon!


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