2008 going great!

Well, it is now almost the end of February! Things have been going so well. We have been having trials at church with different begrudgent members, but the Lord is soooo good!!! I can truly say we have rejoiced in these trials since we have been forced to look upon His guidance and wisdom, and we have no fear in "dealing" with these brethren. It has been faith strengthening.

As for my personal life, I feel refreshed, new and encouraged. I have been looking at the Mujer Virtuosa (can´t think of it in english) from Proverbs 31:10-31, and daily I feel like I might actually be catching up with her (baby steps, but still progress)!! The only area that I feel like I am still way out in left field on is homeschool.

But I am beginning to think that maybe I will never feel right on track with it, and maybe that is OK. The kids are learning, they are making "major" bonds as siblings, and I think that is soooo important. We have been toying with the idea of putting them in a American Christian School that has recently moved to our side of Oaxaca. Tempting since the teachers are all missionaries, the kids are all missionary kids. But its like someone once told me "You don´t have to go all homeschool or all school/school." We have the freedom to do one year at home and one year in a school. So I guess we will keep playing it by ear. I think the most important is to focus on the kiddos and see if they are being edified both in knowledge and spirit. If not, then take the means to change whatever needs to be changed.

Anyhows, I am currently busy busy planning our first Ladies Retreat! (YEAH)! Planning and preparing lessons, seeing about reservations, and organising who to delegate what responsabilities. I am wanting to sew a tote for each of the women also as a gift and reminder of the retreat. So far I have six done. I need 30. YIKES!

Also in March we will be having our second "young minister" stay with us. She is a young lady from Toluca, planning to get married in Dec. She graduated from Harding University and will be coming down to stay with us for a month and minister to the young ladies at church. Her mother will be joining us March 20th or so, and both of them will be co-teaching at the retreat with me! I am really excited aobut this!

So, 2008 is going great!

Oh, and I have also lost 5lbs!


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