New Devotions

So, we are beginning the book study "My Experience with God" at the birth center.  We share what we are learning on Fridays during devotional time. 

I actually had the workbook and had gone through the first couple of lessons some years ago, but re-reading it now at a different time and place in my life has been as if I had never seen it before.

The first lessons are about our walk with God and knowing how to follow Him.  I really enjoyed or was drawn to the realization that we don't need to know the complete will of God for our lives before we begin to walk.  The idea of Abraham leaving his home and beginning his journey is not new to me, but re-reading how he really had no idea of where he would be resting his head that night was eye opening to me.  Especially at this moment in our walk.

With the end of our ministry in the Calzada C of C and the beginning of a church plant in the north of the city, there are many uncertainties.  Reading of how He is in control of the big picture and want us to only take the first step has been refreshing.  I don't have to worry about the "what-ifs" and can just focus on what God is doing now right around me.  Just that small step is enough to get me on the path of fullfilling His will!  How peaceful is that!!!

I also was drawn to the well-known idea that we are made to be His tools.  I don't know how many times I have heard, read of the illustration of the potter and the clay, but this time it just seemed to fall in place.  We are formed by Him to serve His purpose, then He uses us in the way He sees fit.  This weekend I was talking with a very dear dear friend of mine in Toluca who has also been going through a very difficult time understanding what God was doing in her life.  As we were talking it was like a veil was lifted from my eyes and I could see meaning in the past year and the trials.

For the past couple of years we had been feeling torn in ministry.  Feeling it was time to move on, but always seeing someone who seemed to be a reason to stay.  It seemed we were back and forth, back and forth, but never could truly discern what God was calling us to do.  Then last year my health became a priority over ministry and in the end we were asked to leave because of our decline in participation.  I admit I was angry and still believe that what the brethren did was not right.  Instead of rallying around us in our time of need, they rallied against us and in the end kicked us out.  Now in hindsight I can see how we were so unsure for so long, that maybe the only way He could get us to do His will was through these drastic means?  If He needed to use my health as a means to fullfill His will in getting us out of an unhealthy situation, then Heme Aqui. 

Of course I wish we could have avoided the losses, but we are now excited about the future and ministry, and we can't wait to see what He will do with us now!  We are hoping it will be something a little less painful! :)


nNuts living said…
Thank you for sharing this, Tish. I needed this point of view explained to me right now. We've just experienced our 4th wheat crop loss at the end of our fourth year of farming. Three of those years were a total loss where we didn't cut at all. So, I've been wasting a lot of time feeling sorry for myself, even while knowing I shouldn't.

As you've shown in your blog, all I can do and all I need to do is to trust God. Thanks! I hope we can see you in July. :). Lanie

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