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Seems God has been speaking to me through quite a few people here lately. He has been talking to me about His power that is within me.
I think He is telling me, "Hello, you CAN do this!!! I made you with the power to help you!"
The "this"for me is quite a few things. From the normal, everyday things like not loosing my temper with my kid-o's, to beginning a new realtionship that I feel He is guiding me towards, all the way to getting involved with a new ministry that really calls my attention.
I'm tired of being that "should'a, would'a, could'a" person that I have been in the past. Always lingering on the things I could have done or should have done, and not every really tapping into the inner power of my spirit to DO what I feel led to do!
Sure, some of the things aren't mind benders to get done, but on the BIG ones, I really have the tendency to find all the reasones not to do them, then live wishing that I would have.
People who avoid responsibility REALLY annoy me. Then it hit me that I have the tendency to do the same. Look for a way OUT.
Yesterday I listened to Brian Mashburn of Southwest C of C in Amarillo and his sermon on resolutions. What really stood out to me (it was a great sermon by the way) was the idea that we ALL have a great inner power that can move us to do great things! It's just that we don't ever really RESOLVE ourselves to do those great things. Remember that verse that says, "Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, strength..." Well, isn't that speaking of an inner power. And how about the one that says, "Do ALL things as if for the LORD..." We just need to tap into His power.
So I went over to The Hills C of C to see what their New Years sermon was on. You have to buy it. That's another subject I won't go to right now... BUT turns out an old friend of mine was there in October giving a Ladies Seminar so I listened to her first class.
She had the example of clay pots. There are 3 things that make up a clay pot.
1. An idea in the Potter's Mind of how it should be
2. The clay which is lifeless in itself
3. Hands
This applies to me in this way:
1. God has and has had an idea of how He wants me to be since the beginning of times.
2. I was born and have lived my life as well as I have known
3. My FAITH in God's word will help me tap into HIS POWER to shape me into the person that He has planned me to be. (Thanks Liz Pense)
God's POWER is in me. Growing up in His WORD has given me the FAITH that has molded me into what I am today. BUT He hasn't taken me off the potter's wheel yet. There is so much more I CAN DO, much more HE CAN DO THROUGH ME.
And so all this is still just floating about on the surface of my brain right now, but what I believe will settle into place is one main idea:
I need to RESOLVE to use that INNER POWER to become the person HE AS PLANNED ME TO BECOME. STARTING TODAY.