Homeschool my kid?

We are officially on our second week of Homeschool for this year and we have already had a mix of the amazing with the frustrating. I am trying to take it all in stride. I am learning to take imperfect moments as opportunities to continue growing and maturing so as to counter-attack anything that will destroy or discourage my goals as a homeschool mom.

Something I hear often from mom's who don't homeschool is, "I could never homeschool my child... he/she is just so stubborn." Believe me, my kids aren't little saints (just don't make that public knowledge!) but I truly believe that dealing with stubborness of a child just makes us grow as a parent. It is an opportunity to practice patience, unconditional love, and intentional discipline. And after all, the child is probably stubborn because 1.) we have let him develope this trait from lack of disciplinary correction or 2.) we ourselves are also stubborn and have given this example to him to follow. Either way, we as the parent have the responsability not only to correct the stubborness of the child, but also change our own stubborness if that be the case.

I am tired of just giving up on things, blaming anything else for my lack of desire to grow. Difficulties should be seen as opportunities to grow, to stretch, to become a better person.

Abraham Lincoln put it this way, "I do the very best I know how - the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end." He also said, "I don't think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday." The apostle Paul sees it as being in constant "Spiritual Renovation" and he considers growth to be continuous just as in a foot race, "pressing on towards the goal".

With these things in mind, I will press on in our homeschooling adventure and seize each and every opportunity to become wiser. (And along the way I hope to have a little fun with my kids!!)


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