A couple of finished projects.

There was a baby shower back in March... I believe.
I started this blanket, back then and I finally finished it last week.
The baby is at least a month old now!
At least I got it to them before his first birthday!
This is an album I made for my children's Principal and his wife. They are leaving for a year of furlough, and all the kids at school wrote them notes or drew them pictures to be put in the album. I wanted to give them something that would remind them of Oaxaca, and that they could put to a different use if they wanted.
The material is a traditional woven pattern. Something you would find made into a shirt or reboso. I hope they enjoy it!

This last project was for Emily's teacher. I found the lunch bag idea on a blog.
(I wish I could remember which to give them credit!)
I thought it was a fun idea, and used a red & white striped denim. The chicken print material was some that my mom brought down a couple of years ago, and I love!

I believe the sewing bug has bitten! We'll see just how many projects I actually get done!


Unknown said…
Tish-where in the world did you get that fabric for the baby blanket??? I used the EXACT same fabric for the squares in Johnny's quilt. Did I give you my extras? I didn't think I brought them to MX with me, but seeing your quilt makes me think I did? I will have to send you a picture of his...

Cute stuff and how fun for Emily!
Tish said…
Jennifer! Hi there! Actually yes you did give me the scraps, or Mike did... I hoarded them for a time, then decided I needed to use them. Love you!

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