Christmas sewing?
I did very little sewing this Christmas. I blame it on my dad. :) He arrived on the 18th and left the day after Christmas, so there was quite a bit of running around done on his short trip. I did manage to get some journal covers made for my ladies' class group though.
(how did I mannage to get these two pictures on sideways?!?!?!?)
And here are a few of the beautiful women who recieved them...
I finally finished this little jumper for Emily. I think I started it two years ago originally as a dress! I hand sewed the ginger bread man and candy canes on. It turned out pretty cute!
I also made this little tote for one of Emi's friends who had a birthday this month...
My dearest dad made me a quilting frame that I am totally excited about, but with all the hustle and bustle of the Holidays, I haven't gotten to stretch out my quilt on it yet. Hopefully after New Year's I can start!! I'll have to put up those pictures later.
I believe both of these projects (the journal covers and tote) were from Moda Bake Shop. I love their projects! Happy sewing!