Crisis and Drama
I have felt so good since I got back from WOTH! Felt like a new, fresh breeathe of air.... Then my little girl (8 in Dec.) fell from the monkey bars at school on Tues. and broke her arm in two places (an inch above the elbow, and at her wrist), had to stay in hospital all night, and got three pins put in! HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE!! But I was so amazed at her calmness and strength! She taught me a few lessons on handling crisis, let me tell you! She is bed ridden for a week until the swelling goes down and they can put a cast on her.

Yestereday I found out that my uncle who was battling ALS passed away. It`s something that we all knew was coming, but I think you just still don`t expect it to be "today". I long to go be with my mom, grandpa, and cousins, but with Emi in the shape she is in, I can´t see that happening.
I just can´t figure things out sometimes, but then again I guess we aren´t supposed to all the time. Just gotta remember that God is in control and satan is STILL under our feet!!!
Yestereday I found out that my uncle who was battling ALS passed away. It`s something that we all knew was coming, but I think you just still don`t expect it to be "today". I long to go be with my mom, grandpa, and cousins, but with Emi in the shape she is in, I can´t see that happening.
I just can´t figure things out sometimes, but then again I guess we aren´t supposed to all the time. Just gotta remember that God is in control and satan is STILL under our feet!!!