Back to School

Summer went bye so quickly! We just have tomorrow, then the kids will be going off to school. Aaron will be going into 5th grade and little Emily will be entering 2nd. I can´t figure out why it is so hard seeing them grow up!? Aaron has days when he seems so grown up, then he has other days when he enjoys playing hours on end with Emi, and he is sweet and little. It makes my stomach turn just to think that soon he will be too cool to hang with his little sis. Then again maybe that day will never come. I think they really have a good relationship. They don´t fight horribly like I remember me and my sister always did. They play well together, and many times Aaron admits sticking up for his sister when they are in a group.
It has been especially hard with the adoption possibility floating around above us, but not yet materializing. We have talked to them about what adoption will mean for our family, and how somethings will change. Aaron I think has been hoping for a "buddy" and I have been a little worried about his reaction if we get a baby. Today when I asked him what he would do if we got a baby he said, " I would carry it around every day and play with it." so I think he won´t be dissappointed.
Having children has been the greatest and hardest thing I have ever done. It is also the most rewarding thing. Especially when you are struggling with a certain actitude and suddently see that your child finally "got it" and is changing and growing!!! Aaron had gotten so much better in so many areas, and his character is becoming more and more "moldable" and noble. I love that!!! Emily is hardly ever a worry for me. She is so easy. Maybe I should be more careful of her, but I really think that the second child learns so much just seeing their older sibling grow and make mistakes and get corrected, that they make less mistakes of their own.
All I know is that I love them both sooooo much!! I love being their mom, even though at times I think they deserve a better one!