Little Angels

This week my 1st grader´s teacher has been sick. We are praying it isn´t swine flu and are leaning more towards the possibility that it is Dengue fever. Anyhows, her illness has left her class of 1st and 2nd graders without a teacher. The first day she called to see if I could sub. I said yes, mostly because she called at a quarter to 7 am and I couldn´t think straight much less make a clear decision! Not really!
The subbing for one day has turned into 4. We pray she will get better over the weekend! She is such a great teacher and really has everything so organized! The first day was a bit difficult, but I told my DH today that I have actually been having fun! I always wanted to be a kindergarten teacher, so maybe this is God´s way of letting me have a try! (That´s alot of !!! Maybe I need to cut back on the coffee!!)
Anyhows, it has been fun, and I have a whole renewed respect for those teachers out there like Miss S. You know, the ones that really love to teach and put all their heart into it. Yes, they do still exist, I promise! My daughter happens to be in one of their classes. Thank you Miss S. The kids miss you and hope you get well soon!


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